2861 Fairview St undefined Tallahassee, New Mexico 86357 United States
Let us assist you to make your sleeping experience unforgettable when you go camping.
Based on the information you supply below, we will compose a mattress that will fit your needs.
The mattress will consist of various foam layers to provide good support and comfort. It is covered in a quilted fabric with a tape edge or a navy blue taffeta (waterproof) fabric – the choice is yours.
Thickness may vary, our suggestion is at least 180mm – of which the middle layer will be the core; with luxury layers on either side for comfort. We can add an additional layer of convoluted foam (egg box) for an extra soft feel as seen in the sample picture.
Ts & Cs Apply.
We do not accept any responsibility for measurements that are supplied incorrectly.
We require a template for island or special-formed mattresses, especially with rounded areas or corners.